Dating & Relationships Blog
Discover a world of insights and advice in our Dating & Relationships Blog. This comprehensive collection of articles and guides covers everything you need to know about love, romance, and connection. From online dating tips and relationship advice to expert dating guides, our blog is designed to help you navigate the complexities of modern relationships. Whether you’re looking to find love, strengthen your current relationship, or understand dating dynamics, you’ll find valuable resources and inspiration here. Dive in and start exploring today!
Dating Articles
Why Am I Still Single? From an online dating site employee who REALLY knows!
OMG. Have I got a treat for you today! The biggest complaint I hear from readers and friends when i…
U.K. Relationship Status Demographics-Where Do You Fit In?
Does Google know everything?! I mean, obviously, but it never ceases to amaze me. Check out the brea…
10 Of The World’s Weirdest Wedding Cakes
Most women, whether they’ll admit it or not, have always envisioned what their dream wedding w…
Removing your dating profile in a new relationship
This topic was inspired by a good friend of mine, who has recently starting dating someone she met o…
Top Ten Ways To Ruin a First Date
It’s first date time, and you’re so excited! You’ve been talking online for a whi…
Dating Profile Dealbreakers
We all have dealbreakers when it comes to relationships, things we just aren’t willing to accept fro…
Are You A Stage 5 Clinger?
Made famous by the movie Wedding Crashers, a stage 5 clinger is “a member of the opposite sex …
How To Act On a First Date
Easy. Act like you don’t care if there is a second date or not. No, I don’t mean you sho…
How To Spot an Online Dating Player
In person, it’s fairly easy to spot a player. The smooth operator at the club, the guy who ha…
Is There Still An Online Dating Stigma?
It happens every time. My boyfriend and I will be out to dinner with a large group, family or friend…
How Long Should You Wait Between Dates?
There are two types of dates. The ones you wish you could forget…and the ones where you can…
5 Basic Dating Rules
I was talking to one of my closest guy friends Jack about one of our mutual friends May.I was explai…
How To Flirt With A Girl…
I think flirting has a bad reputation. When you picture someone flirting, what do you see? I envis…
Dating Advice: How To Survive Your First Fight!
Lately, a lot of my good friends have found themselves in new relationships. Fun fact-most of them m…
Are We Dating or Just Friends?
Oh, the dreaded friend zone. You guys have the best time together-maybe deep conversations, hysteric…
Paid Dating Sites Vs. Free Sites – Do You Get What You Pay For?
I think it’s mildly amusing when people dismiss dating sites you have to pay for like…
Online Dating Horror Stories
Once upon a time, a girl met a slightly older gentleman on an online dating site. Initially, the age…
Interesting Online Dating Infographic Facts
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Calling Someone You Met Online Dating
One thing online daters seem to have an issue with is making the move from the cyber world to the re…
Things NOT To Do On A First Date
First dates are a bitch, aren’t they? Exciting and nerve racking all at the same time. I have …
Meeting Someone Face-to-Face for the First Time
For most people, this is the goal of chatting online – not to spend more and more time chatting and …